Hello everyone and thanks for joining us for today's webinar "Content Design Techniques for Your Intranet." My name is Michelle, I'm the marketing specialist here at Igloo. I'm joined today by Wedge Black was a digital workplace consultant at ClearBox Consulting. I'll let him introduce himself in just a little bit, but before I do, I did want to go over a couple of housekeeping items. I wanted to start by apologizing in advance. Our webinar provider is having some bandwidth issues with everything that's going on in the world. And so if there is any tech issues, we apologize in advanced. We will be sending out a copy of the recording regardless, So look out for that. This presentation is being recorded, and therefore we will make it available afterwards. All participants have been placed on mute, but don't let that stop you from answering or asking any question. If you'd like to ask a question, you can actually just submit that through the chat feature that appears on the left corner of your screen. And with that let's dive in. Take it away, Wedge. Thanks, Michele. It's great to be invited by Igloo to talk about content. And thanks to you for joining us today. My name's Wedge — it really is — and as a previous Intranet manager for national and regional companies, I've sat with communications teams and now — as mentioned I'm a consultant — I retain my interest, incomes, and content. ClearBox does a lot of digital workplace strategy and we help organizations consider the best tools and channels for their needs. So we're going to look at content design today. Here, the topics I'm going to cover: content design itself, needs, meeting those needs, some big old skeletons, and then actually writing. And then some crits. And I'm only going to introduce you to these design techniques, and the topics really revolve around user needs. If your role includes internal communications, knowledge management, or publishing, then you'll likely already care about people's needs. The content design approach compliments your existing skills. It adds an awareness of context, user interface, and user experience. We can only introduce a constant design approach and I hope that you'll do your own research and upscaling. So I consider content design to be a discipline, a set of techniques. It's about evidence. It's an evidence approach. It's an evidence-based approach to discovering and defining needs, on meeting those needs through the presentation of content. It's about content as the interface. It's about upfront planning and writing stuff to meet a need. It may be about readability and layout, but it's not just about that. While layout is important, content design is not merely about placing text on a page. So where does it come from? Well between 2010 and 2014 Sarah Richards and her team were working within the government digital service, in the U.K., and brought together techniques — no doubt from user experience design and practices — to create content design technique. Now, Government U.K. websites, are very well known for clear, concise, readable reference pages. And Sarah literally wrote the book on content design. So there it is, a unique design itself, and you should definitely check that out. contentdesigned.london/book/ I get it. You hate the word content. I know, I know. But with the potential for rich digital experiences within our workplaces, it's a fine reminder that we could be talking about animations, Videos, graphics, and audio. Word has been accepted across society. Those youngsters planning the next Instagram story talk about content creation. The word is endemic and accepted. But sure, if you mean 'text' say 'text', no problem. You're already an adapt communicator. Content design brings additional techniques for you to use and helps you be even more user-centered, person-focused than in your past engagement comms. I'm going to introduce you to a set of techniques today, and it may be that you can pick the most useful on bring them to your communication processes and teammates. So today is a little bit about business change and process change. And making your approach to comms and publishing bang, up-to-date. Because you want to avoid this. You know, have a look at this and see which floor this elevator should take you to. I mean, someone wrote this. Someone laid it out. Someone approved this. And someone executed this. And this is not user focused content. If you wanna have a look at the original tweet, pop to that large URL https://d.pr/ZxiEgC And again these slides will be made available afterwards. So how do we go about discovering needs? We've got to uncover them. It all starts with understanding needs. Finding out what's missing and what people really need. Your stakeholder might say, "I want them to know", and then you reply with, "But I think people will need." And then as a team you'll say, "Well, obviously everyone's number one priority will be..." And these are all assumptions, and that's fine. You're an expert in your role. But all assumptions need testing, and some need smashing. So what research methods can you use? It's not about surveying 20% of your colleagues for every reference page. This is about doing the minimum research to be able to start with evidence rather than only assumptions. It's about conversations with those with need, the subject matter experts, and your business stakeholders, of course. So how would you go about this? Well here's five ideas... Desk research. Have a look around for what already exists internally and what other organizations do. Consider best practice resources. So check out Igloo. Check out ClearBox. Check out contentdesigned.london. Have a look at what user research... User experience research and usability research has already been done. I bet you did a content map analysis when you lasted your big Intranet migration program. I bet you've got a list of content that exists on possibly you can then judge the gaps that are in that content. Of course, you should talk to subject matter experts, but not just the policy setters. You need to talk to the administrators, and the process owners, and the support workers, and the customer service people — because they know what isn't working. They know what's missing. And they know what your customers crying out for. Do your own user research. This might be about shadowing someone as they attempt to complete a task. Do they have all the information we need to guide them in task completion? And here's an idea. Make sure you attend town halls. You know, those all-hand calls or all-hand meetings that you have. Have a look for how a crowd responds to messages coming off the stage, off on the leader. And record the questions that get asked. And of course, you will leave specific discussions with users yourself to discover just what's happening and what's missing. Because all of this is about discovering what people must know in order to get on with their work versus the nice-to-know stuff. So, yes, when it comes to laying out your comms we'll rely on the good old journalistic tool off the inverted pyramid — which you can see here. But I'm going to give you some new tools today to help you define the must know information. Specifically, user stories and job stories. The first thing that you might do if you got a big content project looming, is have a Discovery Day. It's common enough in website work and for big content projects. It's about bringing together everyone who's involved with a project but focusing on content only. It's for your writers, publishers, subject matter experts, its for your stakeholders and teammates. But it's also for those senior reviewers who might block content in the future by adding too many new ideas. A Discovery Day gets everyone aligned around the principles and objectives and processes. But, you know, it's a big commitment. I know you won't do it for every reference page or news story, but it could be a great start if you're revamping your knowledge management approach or a specific section of your Intranet. As I said, research isn't about exhaustive quantitative studies. This is about doing enough research so you're certain you're going to create the right content for the right people. You've done good research when you know the problem and are ready to write those user stories and job stories I mentioned. So here on the slide on the left is a few good ideas of what results looked like. And, you know, we're gonna share these slides after the Webinar. Here's a slide I'll refer to frequently in this webinar, are just to keep us on track. Now we've just mentioned Discovery Days, and now we're going to look at user stories. Because user stories and job stories will help us define the needs; because we want to understand the problem before we start building solutions. So a user story. Here's the format. As a colleague, I need to do something or know something so I can achieve my goal. So it's not about starting drafting. That is not what we do when we want to start creating user focused content. We have to start with the user story. Those of you who are into user experience design may recognize this format. It's a three part sentence that expresses what someone needs from us, you know, to achieve their goal. User stories — plural — because you'll need lots of them because you do not have one audience, even internally within your company. You have multiple audiences. They help you keep the readers background and goals in mind, which helps you write useful content in the appropriate language. Let's have a look at a heavy example. So as a systems administrator, I need to know if and how I can access our network when outside of our offices so that I can work from home without impacting the service's I provide. So, job stories are very similar format. A job story is for a specific task for specific audience, so you will need several job stories. So, the format again is time- based. This time it's 'when' a specific situation occurs I need to know or do something so that I can achieve my goal. Let's have a look at a heavy example. When a novel issue is logged that our team has no experience of, I need to find who to contact for expert guidance so that I can engage the right people to solve the problem and close the issue. So the idea is, as we do our research and define the problem we wish to address with our content, its user stories that guide us and its job stories that specifically guide our writing. I think it's a good idea to share your job stories and user stories with a colleague or stakeholder to ensure that they've written them so well that your colleague os stakeholder goes, "Yes, that's it. That's perfect. That's exactly what we need to be writing." And so, as you share your user stories and job stories, consider the acceptance criteria. You don't want to be writing 10,000 words, so you want your stakeholder who reviews it to understand how to ensure your job story and user story are good. And that's about sharing your acceptance criteria. So consider the format of acceptance criteria as you're getting feedback on your job stories. And, I know this seems like a lot of work, but it's just about planning what you're going to write instead of writing a first draft. This discovery and defining reduces review pain in the future by ensuring writers and reviewers have a shared understanding. Writers simply right to meet the need, and reviewers don't derail the process with 'one more thing' novel ideas. We need those new ideas at the beginning of the process, not at the end of the process. So we've just touched on user stories, job stories, and accepting those stories, and we're now going to look at Wedge's skeleton. So I know you want the meat. We all are desperate to start writing, but actually we need to start with solid foundations. So this isn't a codified, content designed technique, but rather it's something I developed over the years with my stakeholders, and I'm sure you do something similar already. Here's my process. I lay out the bullet points in a Word document or in Notes, and I just cover everything that my research and user stories and journey and job story mentions. I get it all out. And then I just go through a process of reworking that list to ensure that it flows right. So let's have a look at a car parking story. Let's have a look at my first past skeleton. So, I've got my job story there to remind me why I'm writing. And this... this dozen bullet points covered everything I think my news article reference article needs to cover to express that we've got car parking changes. Now, if you get 30 bullet points something's gone wrong. That isn't the page anyone's going to be able to quickly reference. But you decided five bullet points or a dozen bullet points is appropriate. So that's my first pass. Let me show you my second pass, which I think makes a little bit more sense as you read it top to bottom. You can see in green with the dots where I've just moved things around because once I got my brainstorm down on paper, I then want to assess it and move things around to get a good skeleton. So it flows from the must-knows at the top down to the nice-to-knows and contacts and actions at the bottom. Your ordering might be different to mine, but the point is we're following a process and relying on our expertise. Now, the third stage is to adding the subheadings. Subheadings are really important, even for short articles. They help the eye jump around the page — and of course, people only ever read what they need, and so they help a person spot what they really are interested in. Here you can see I've made additional changes. I've got my job story and user story here to remind me why I'm doing this. But once I put my subheading in, I just had different feelings — a different sense of what was important. So as I put my subheadings in, I changed my bullet points yet again. I think it's great to have a job story to define the problem and a skeleton to demonstrate the substance of your proposed article. It sets expectations, and they're easy to review and improve. So share the job story and your skeleton with your reviewer and your stakeholders, and explain that the bullet points are supposed to meet needs that have expressed in the job story. And at this point, you know, your stakeholders or your subject matter experts input is invaluable. This is when we should be amending the substance and getting those bullet points right. So we just touched on 'skeleton' and 'reviewing the skeleton', and now we're going to get into actually writing. But as I say, it is the last thing you want to do, you know, never just sit down and start your first draft. Always go through a process to make sure that you're writing to the need. I've just got a few slides here because I'm not here to tell you how to write good comms. We must write in a vocabulary of the audience and in the tone suitable for the topic. I'm sure you already know that, but it's a principle off the content design approach. Your style stays the same, but your language adapts to the audience, and your tone adapts to the topic. If we do all this, our reviews won't surprise us with any weird demands and ideas about word play. But of course, we should be open to suggestions around terminology, and we need to keep in mind the audience stories, the user stories and the job stories. So I'm going to assume that you've got a house style- guide. So you already know the sort of language that you need to use. And we need to adapt our tone to the topic. Because the job stories and skeleton is so clear, everyone knows what's coming. So there are no surprises for your viewers. And that means that when they get your first draft article, there's no surprises. And so that means that the review cycle is easier and more pleasant, and we remain on target to get useful content written. So that's where we've got to. We've actually got our first draft now, after going through a bit of a content design process. And the last thing is to do a full review of all the content we produced. And content designers don't call them reviews. I know we probably will continue to use the word 'review' within the communication teams, but content designers use word 'crit'. This is short for 'critique', not criticism. I think you reviewer, or the person performing a review, should be... should have the user story, the job story and the skeleton in front of them. And that way they know what your draft is supposed to be dealing with. They know the substance off the article. They might have some additional points to make, but the point is we've got that strong skeleton to build the flesh of our content around. I think that we can respect the different people involved with our review or with our crew... crit. We need to respect our subject matter experts for their subject matter expertise. They may not be involved with the style and the layout of the content, but we want to respect what they know about terminology and how things work. We want to respect content designers for their understanding of the audiences because they've done the research and they've designed user story and the job story. And we want to respect our writers for their understanding of grammar and tone, because it's our comms people who will be adhering to the house style guide. So we don't have to argue about the substance. We don't have to argue about the tone or the wordage, because we've got all of this guidance and we followed the process. The great thing about crits is that you don't have to take all of the advice on board. Sometimes we have to learn through comments and commentary, but we don't always have to take action, because we would only take action and change our content if we had missed something or something was unclear in regard to the user story. Here's a top tip. Here's something I've learned: I used to insist to reviewers and content owners that text was the text, and I would make them review drafts in Word. This was especially useful in Office 365 or SharePoint because everyone can access the same documents and comment on the same document, with no version control mess caused by emailing attachments around. So that's why I loved it. I loved Word. But, people used to say to me, "Oh, now that it's published it just reads differently." And they were sad, and they were right. I have now learned that context really matters. The article reads and feels different in Word to how it feels and reads once it's published in context. I used to ignore this as just people's feelings, but now I know that feelings really matter. We don't absorb information as a mere intellectual pursuit. We are driven to learn what's relevant to us by our emotional needs. My best work now is done when I can publish drafts in 'situ' for a final review. If your Intranet has a draft facility, fantastic. But if not, maybe it's okay to do some final tweaking soon after publishing. Maybe that's okay. So comparing crits to reviews. Here are the Crit rules, which, you know, we may not have had with our informal reviews. The idea is that we need to respect everyone for their input and their block of expertise as I mentioned, the subject matter experts, the content designer and the writers. We need to focus on the content and only the content. We're not gonna go back over the process. And we're not going to discuss the creator's preferences. We're only ever going to be constructive, and we don't have to defend our past decisions. So if someone had a conflict about the comm, if someone has a comment about the content, we listen to that comment in context to content, not in context to my personal preferences or the process. We don't have to defend our decision, we only need to consider the content that's in front of us And interestingly, we don't have to take on board all the suggestions. Because all of the critique should be against the user story. So, you know, someone might suggest, "Oh, I think we need a paragraph here about the pension pots." And you can listen and note that comment, but you don't have to add another paragraph to your content unless the job story demands it. But I would suggest that you would be clever and had a high pulling to the pensions... the pension details on the Intranet because we do like hyperlinks and we do like related content. But you don't have to cram more content into your article for no reason unless the job story requires it. Crits can seem quite serious, but they're great for building a team, they're great for getting people involved and showing that you care. Maybe run a crit on a small set of content first to show everyone how things run. Reviewers, whether subject matter experts or stakeholders, need to understand that they are reviewing the content against the acceptance criteria. They are not here to give you new ideas. As I say, I like new ideas at the skeleton fase, I don't like new ideas when you're on draft two of your content. The acceptance criteria around meeting the needs expressed in the job stories for the audience is described in the user stories. You may want to provide the job stories and user stories along with the content and a note about acceptance criteria. Assuming you stick to the house style guide and you have the tone right off the topic, you may want to steer the reviewers away from expressing their personal preferences about vocabulary and punctuation and grammar. But be wide open to subject matter experts about terminology and things you miss. So final thoughts... Just got a few minutes I think before we go into questions. Don't be boring. You're a communicator. You're a writer. You're a publisher. You already know that you need to capture people's attention. Content design is about meeting a defined need. And some content designers might optimize content to simplify the text so much that it loses flavor. But content design itself does not dictate the communications must be dull, only clear. It's that clarity that we're seeking. Remember, everyone loves creating content but few people love maintaining it. Whatever you create on the Intranet has a life- cycle, and so I suggest you should plan for it. An, I would say do your best to create less content. Always create only for the need. If you're serious about content operations, rather than timely communications, you'll consider life-cycle carefully. If you've done your job story, you'll avoid publishing unintelligible, urgent announcements. Now, this time... At this time in the world, our urgent announcements still need to be clear, concise, and with context. A note about content debt. Content debt is a time and resources needed to deal in the future with the content you created today. You might believe your content is very valuable today, but it's likely that it has a half-life. So it will either need deleting or improving in the future. Everything we create has a cost today, but it also has a cost tomorrow. Now content design is very hot at the moment and content designers are all over Web design. Because that's where the money is. With these content design techniques, you can be the internal content hero. I ask you to join me as an Intranet content designer. As I say, we communicated. We have always striving to match the message to the audience to the channel. Content design has four touchstones. Content has to be in the audiences' vocabulary, in the best format for the audience, it has to provide what the audience needs from us, and it should be designed with data or research results. As I say, I can only introduce these techniques to you today, and I'm hoping that you'll do your own research. Here are the books that have inspired and taught me what I know about content design. And, there's the Content Design book at the bottom, right by Sarah Riches, which I highly recommend. And it's uniquely designed, too, of course. All of this has to be in context with your organizational strategies — strategies, plural. Digital workplace, I.T. Internal Comms, Knowledge Management, and your Intranet strategy. Then you can build your content strategy, which is another discipline. Consider your content operations, which is another discipline. And then your content design and tactic. Here are the terms that I've introduced today. I hope you'll do your own research, and you know, Michelle is going to make these slides available to you after the webinar. So thanks ever so much for staying with me through all of that. If you got any questions right now, Michelle and I will be happy to take them. Perfect. Thank you so much, Wedge. I did just wanna... While people are asking questions — again to ask questions you can ask them in the left hand side of your screen in that question and answer box — While we do that, I did just want to give a quick mention as to who Igloo is and what we do. At Igloo we look to simplify your journey towards the digital transformation. Our mission is to create digital workplace solutions that inspire employees be more connected and engaged in the workplace. You can think about is the next generation Intranet, but at the end of the day, we're a Digital Workplace Solutions company. We connect people to each other, to information, and to the technologies they depend on. We help our customers build and sustain digital destinations that are beautiful, easy to manage, solution- oriented — and our portfolio of digital solutions integrates with the apps and systems your business already relies on. And centralizes that information in a single-source- of-truth. Our digital workplace platform helps organization formed digital representation of their physical space and culture, bringing people, communication, collaboration, knowledge and technologies into one central place online. But if not merely about a centralized digital destination, it's that what you do with it. And so to increase time to value, our experts have taken some of the most common challenges that customer face. whether it's one of the challenges that Wedge touched on today — such as knowledge management, employee engagement — or a different challenge, and we built into fast-to-deploy and easy-to-configure solutions. On that note, with everything that is currently going on in the world, we have actually created a set of free solutions that you do not need to be a customer of ours to take advantage of these. And it's an 'incident planning zone.' If you go to www.igloosoftware.com/continuityplanning That's where you access those. And I highly encourage you to check those out. And with that, I think we'll open the floor to questions. And it looks like we have a couple in there, Wedge. Yes, indeed. I see some about content operations. Yes, it's just somebody asking, "Could you expand on contact operations?" Well, it's not my area of expertise, but thank you for drawing our attention. It is a discipline. It is something that I think companies should be getting good people involved with. It's about how you operationalize your content production and creation and maintenance. So content ops is about systems, but it's about people, and it's about processes so that there are fewer pain points in creating content at scale. So this is less about urgent news on more about knowledge management and publishing content for a single section of your intranet. Um, I really do think he can talk to some content operations experts. And if you tweet me, I can share some of the experts I know. Wonderful and looks like there's one more question there... Are you able to take that one this well, Wedge? Let me see, uh, "Is content design on the Intranet different to content design on websites?" So yeah, great question, because as I say, Sarah Richard's developed these principles and techniques by doing website design, by doing content for UK government — which is all about expressing dense, difficult information for a very wide audience. So I don't think there's a lot of difference, but I think that there's a lag time behind website design principles and Intranet design principles. As in, there is a lot of money and benefit in improving your website for customers and for citizens, whereas maybe sometimes we neglect our Intranet content. It seems easier just keep churning stuff out internally. But of course, we should be doing great content. We should be using great content principles. And we should be using our analytics and our research methods to discover exactly what our audiences need. Our internal audiences, they may be our colleagues, but we still can't assume we know everything about their needs or their jobs. So, the differences might be scale, budget, time. So, your Intranet managers and your publishers need to work out how to bring these principles from website design — from content designed for websites — into your organization. And I think because it is a set of principles and techniques, that there's lots of room for wiggling things around and for making things work well for you. I've worked with government teams in the UK that have adopted content design externally and internally, and yet private companies, in my experience, have not yet adopted these content design principles fully. And so I think there's a lot of opportunity to improve our Intranets. Wonderful. And it looks like there's one more question here. "How do you marry business needs to a user's needs?" Oh, yes. So, you know, we start with the user needs because we want our content to be useful, usable and used. Otherwise, what is the purpose of your Intranet? However, we do have to be, you know, completely aware that the business has a purpose. So I did say, you know, have a look at all of the strategies — plural — that run your business. And some of those strategies may well involve the purpose of your business. What drives your business forward, and which... and what sort of customers they serve. So when I talk about stakeholders, they may well be business stakeholders rather than Intranet department section stakeholders. Marrying it is a skill. You might be more user-focused than your stakeholders desire. But I think if you got the business needs in your mind when you're doing the job stories, that you can do well. Wonderful. It looks like we'll actually cap questions at that point there. Wedge, did you just want to give a quick shoutout on how people can get in touch with you if you have further questions for you specifically? Well, thank you, Michelle. Yes, we're at ClearBox and you can find us on Twitter at ClearBox. Or you can check out our website and our blog at clearbox.co.uk where I am definitely writing more about content design last month and this month. And you can find me on Twitter as Wedge. Wonderful, and again a quick reminder if you are interested, and some of this has resonated with you and you want to find out how Igloo can help you, be sure to get in touch with us. Again, if you go to that 'continuity planning' section, that will help you If you are looking to do some emergency comms, some incident planning. Because I know this is a very difficult time for a lot of businesses. Otherwise, feel free to book a demo with us on igloosoftware.com and we will give you a free digital workplace assessment, kind of review those challenges and see how we can help you with that. Again, thank you so much for joining us. Look out for a recording and we hope you have a wonderful day.