Igloo Unveils Social Business Industry’s First Intranet Platform With Responsive Design
April 25, 2013 – Igloo Software, a cloud intranet provider you’ll actually like, today announced a series of mobile and web enhancements to their Software as a Service platform, including the introduction of responsive design and new mobile applications for Android and iOS devices.
A fluid and flexible layout for the mobile web, coupled with new apps for iOS and Android, give companies the opportunity to choose the optimal mobile experience for their business.
Kitchener, ON – April 25, 2013
Igloo Software, a cloud intranet provider you’ll actually like, today announced a series of mobile and web enhancements to their Software as a Service platform, including the introduction of responsive design and new mobile applications for Android and iOS devices.
Responsive design brings a full and consistent intranet experience to any desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. As you switch devices and resize the browser, the content and navigation automatically adapts to fit across the screen, giving employees access to the full suite of collaborative tools regardless of where they are or which device they are using.
For a more streamlined mobile experience geared towards content consumption, Igloo has also made available new mobile applications for both Android and iOS devices. Through the apps, mobile users can find contacts, review documents and get an at-a-glance view into activity, making it easier to stay connected even while on the go.
“The blurring between work and home life, new mobile platforms and the rapid adoption of the cloud are trends that are coming together to redefine the way we work,” said Andrew Dixon, SVP Marketing & Operations at Igloo. “Work is no longer a place – that means that people need the flexibility to be productive wherever, whenever and on whatever device they are using.”
Mobility is also supported through email integration with popular applications like Microsoft Outlook®and Gmail. Users can email files directly to Igloo with folder email addresses, forward conversations to initiate discussion threads, reply to posts without logging in to the web application and, with the latest release, add events directly to a calendar.
Expands Localization Settings, Language Support
To meet the needs of its ever-expanding international customer base, Igloo now supports multilingual translations for a total of nine languages, with the addition of German and Italian.
Opens Second North American Data Center
Igloo also expanded its data center operations in order to increase the number of options provided to customers for offsite backup and to ensure continuity of service in the event of a natural disaster. The facility is located in Vancouver, B.C. and is managed by Savvis, a premier managed hosting and co-location provider with data center locations around the world.
Igloo’s latest update, code-named Rockland, is available immediately at igloosoftware.com/try.
Customers can download the mobile application by searching “Igloo Mobile” from their device on the Play Store for Android smartphones and tablets or Apple’s App StoreSM.
Forrester Technology Adoption Profile (TAP) –
Social, Mobile and the Cloud Converge To Drive Competitive Advantage.